How long will shipping take? 

UK shipping is 2-4 business days.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes! We ship to multiple locations! Please check if your location is available at check out. 

Can I return my item? 

Due to the nature of our products all sales are final.

We do not offer exchange or refunds unless there is a flaw with the product due to our mistake.

How many bundles do I need?

We would recommend at least 3 bundles for most styles. 

How many tapes do I need?

We would recommend 80 tapes which is 200g, for a full head. This is two packs. 

Can the extensions be dyed/bleached? 

Yes, due to the fact that our extensions are 100% Virgin hair they can be dyed. Please bear in mind dyeing extensions carries the same effects as your natural hair,  thus any dyeing you do is at your own risk. We would always recommend that this be done by a professional.

Can the extensions be straightened? 

Yes, our extensions can be straightened, curled and blown out. However, excessive and frequent application of heat can lead to heat damage and ruin the curl pattern. 

Ensure that you use a heat protectant and try to limit heat usage. If you know you like your hair straightened often, opt for our Light yaki texture!

How long will the hair last?

The hair should last at least 1 year + however this is subject to usage and maintenance.

Which texture should i get ?

Please refer to our texture guide linked below. 


Are you black owned? 
Yes! Silken Supply is Black female owned.