Hair Care Guide
To ensure the longevity of your extensions, please follow our recommended hair care guidelines diligently. Maintenance is crucial for optimal results:

- Gently brush your hair daily from tip to root, using a soft bristle brush to prevent snagging.
- Prior to installation, wash bundles with a sulfate-free shampoo.
- Avoid cutting the wefts on your bundles, as this can lead to premature shedding.
- Wash and condition your hair every 2-3 weeks using sulfate-free products, drying on low heat.
- Maintain moisture and sheen by using lightweight oils and moisturisers.
- When applying heat, always use a heat protectant.
- Before sleeping, tie or braid your hair back and use a bonnet for added protection.
- Brush daily with a soft bristle brush
- Wash every other week
- Use heat protectant
- Deep condition
- Add moisture
- Cut the wefts
- Tie up when wet
- Sleep without a bonnet
- Excessively apply heat